
    坚持读英文原版《A Game of Thrones》第138天,每天积累一些英文单词。#英语#学习打卡#权游迷 immerse 浸入 “but he would happily immerse himself in the hottest pool and sit for hours” 但要换成温泉,即便最滚烫的池子他也不在乎,而且一泡动辄几个小时。 burp 打嗝 murky 浑浊的 “giving a loud burp to echo the spring whenever a bubble rose from the murky green depths to break upon the surface.” 每当浑浊的绿水面冒出气泡,他就大声打嗝,好像是在相互应和。 slaver 流口水 “and Shaggydog had come slavering out of the darkness like a green-eyed demon.” 毛毛狗也流着口水从暗处冲出挑衅,活像个绿眼睛的恶魔。 bring to bay 使陷入困境 “It had taken Robb himself and Grey Wind to bring him to bay. ” 最后是罗柏带着灰风亲自出马,才把他们制服。 jovial 友好的 “Jovial Lord Hornwood had no daughters, but he did bring gifts” 友善的霍伍德伯爵没有女儿,但他带了很多礼物 dam (在河上)筑坝 “and leave to dam the White Knife” 以及在白刃河修筑水坝的权利等等。 >>阅读更多


    坚持读英文原版《A Game of Thrones》第136天,每天积累一些英文单词。#英语#学习打卡#权游迷 exaggerated 夸大的 draw out 延长 “Jon poured with exaggerated care, vaguely aware that he was drawing out the act.” 琼恩格外小心地斟酒,隐约明白自己是在拖延时间。 vain 爱慕虚荣的 “My son loved that young wife of his. Vain woman.” 我儿子爱死了他的年轻老婆。那个爱慕虚荣的女人。 redeem 赎回 “Jon knew that other men accused of treason had been allowed to redeem their honor on the Wall in days past.” 过去,被控叛国的人的确有到长城赎罪的先例 spoon 用勺舀 “When he spooned an extra portion onto Jon’s plate” 当他特别多舀了一匙放进琼恩盘子里 rally 聚集 “His friends rallied to him.” 他的朋友们簇拥过来。 recoil 退缩 Thorne recoiled. 索恩向后退开。 slump 弯着身子坐 “Jon slumped against the wall, hands around his knees” 琼恩双手抱膝,颓然靠在墙上 hind 后面的 scrabble 乱抓 “Ghost stood on his hind legs, scrabbling at the door.” 白灵后脚站立,前脚扒着房门。 violently 强烈地 “Yet he was trembling, violently.” 可另一方面,他又在不由自主地剧烈颤抖。 gouge 凹痕 rake 耙,粑平; “There were deep gouges where he’d raked the wood.” 木门被他刨出深深的爪痕。 hinge 铰链 “ The creak of the hinges almost made him jump.” 只听铰链一阵嘎吱,差点没吓他跳起来。 lurk 潜伏 “Shadows lurked in every turn of the stair. ” 楼梯的每个转角都有阴影潜伏。 probe 探查 “probing any suspicious darkness with the point of his sword.” 一遇可疑暗处,便用剑尖捅刺两下。 radiance 光辉 “its eyes shone with an icy blue radiance” 那双眼睛却闪着冰冷的蓝芒 engulf 吞没 “The smell that engulfed him was so queer and cold he almost gagged.” 他包围的气息奇怪而冰冷,差点将他噎住。 loll (尤指头或舌)耷拉,垂下; “ Ghost wrenched free of the other hand and crept away, red tongue lolling from his mouth.” 白灵从另外一只手中挣脱,伸着红彤彤的舌头爬到一边。 revulsion 厌恶,恶心 pry off 撬开 “ Shouting with revulsion, Jon pried the fingers off his leg with the point of his sword” 琼恩恶心地大叫,连忙用剑尖把脚上的手指撬开 severed 切断的 “The severed arm was wriggling out of its torn sleeve” 那条断臂正从裂开的衣袖里钻出来 wight 尸鬼 “the wight jammed its black corpse fingers into Jon’s mouth.” 尸鬼将黑色的手指塞进他嘴里。 gnaw 啃咬 “Gnawed and fingerless, the arm thrashed on the floor” 那条被咬得稀烂,又少了指头的断臂正在地板上猛烈摆动 >>阅读更多


    坚持读英文原版《A Game of Thrones》第135天,每天积累一些英文单词。#英语#学习打卡#权游迷 vinegar 醋 dew 露水 “beads of sweat dotted the Lord Commander’s broad forehead like dew on a melon. ” 守夜人司令宽阔的额间遍布汗珠,犹如甜瓜表面的露水。 leash 狗绳 cur 恶狗 “pulling at their leashes while Chett cursed them for curs.” 它们用力拉扯狗绳,齐特为此咒骂不已。 bristle(对某人的言行)大为恼怒 “Ser Jaremy bristled, his face taut with anger.” 杰瑞米爵士气得毛发竖立,满脸怒容。 wont 习惯于 “we have stayed closer to the Wall than we were wont to do before” 我们比以前更靠近长城 tendon 腱 “Only a few ropes of pale tendon still attached the head to the neck.” 头脖之间仅余几条肌腱相连。 blanch 发白 “His flesh was blanched white as milk” 他的皮肤泛白如牛奶 high-pitched voice 高音 profusely 大量地 “Sam edged past Jon and the garrons, sweating profusely.” 山姆挤过琼恩和马匹,汗如雨下。 sidle 悄悄地走 whiff 一点儿气味 “sidled closer to the corpses and took a whiff.” 这会儿他悄悄走到尸体旁边,嗅了一下。 earnestly 认真地,热切地,急切地 “Sam Tarly said earnestly.” 山姆·塔利急切地说 sling 拖拉架 “In the end they were forced to hack off branches and fashion crude slings” 最后人们只好砍下树枝,做成粗陋的拖拉架 humid 潮湿的 “No wind stirred the wood; the air hung humid and heavy” 林中无风,空气潮湿而沉重 copiously 大量地 “ The Wall was weeping copiously” 长城连日以来“泪”如泉涌 streak 飞奔 “Ghost came streaking out from the woods to meet them” 白灵自林间蹿出来与他们会合。 agitated 激动的,焦虑不安的 “The Lord Steward was red-faced and agitated.” 总务长满脸通红,显得焦虑不安。 >>阅读更多


    坚持读英文原版《A Game of Thrones》第134天,每天积累一些英文单词。#英语#学习打卡#权游迷 obedient 顺从的 “She was the good girl, the obedient girl” 她向来是听话乖巧的好女儿 distress 窘迫 “His soft hands washed each other in a gesture of helpless distress.” 他柔软的双手相互搓揉,做出无助又无奈的手势。 hatch 孵出 “ but in ten years, who can say what treasons she may hatch?” 但十年后,谁知道她会做出什么背判的事呢? poignant 令人伤感的 Oh, so poignant 噢,真叫人辛酸哪 furrow 皱(眉),蹙(额) “his wide brow furrowed in thought.” 若有所思地皱起宽眉。 taint 污点 “then we shall know that there is no taint in your blood” 那我们就知道你的血液里没有一丝一毫的污染 persuade 说服 “ Once she was queen, she could persuade Joff to bring Father back and grant him a pardon.” 一旦她贵为王后,便可劝说乔佛里赦免父亲的罪行,放他回家。 >>阅读更多


    坚持读英文原版《A Game of Thrones》第133天,每天积累一些英文单词。#英语#学习打卡#权游迷 prowl 走来走去 “Lannister guardsmen prowled the walls with spears and crossbows to hand.” 兰尼斯特卫兵手执长枪和十字弓逡巡于城墙之上。 plague 瘟疫 “and when she tried to talk to them, they fled from her as if she had the grey plague.” 她刚要开口问话,她们便仿如见了灰疫病般避之唯恐不及。 sonorous 浑厚的 “Its voice was deep and sonorous” 钟声沉厚而洪亮 dirge 挽歌 “as mournful as a dirge” 哀伤有如挽歌 bandy 罗圈的 “Ser Boros was an ugly man with a broad chest and short, bandy legs.” 柏洛斯爵士是个胸膛宽厚,有一双向外弯曲的短腿的丑陋男子。 baggy 宽松的 “his cheeks baggy with jowls” 两颊松弛 fret 烦恼 “I won’t have Sansa fretting needlessly.” 我可不希望珊莎受到无谓的惊吓。 wring 拧 “Varys was wringing his soft hands together” 瓦里斯绞着他柔软的双手 >>阅读更多


    坚持读英文原版《A Game of Thrones》第132天,每天积累一些英文单词。#英语#学习打卡#权游迷 frothy 有泡沫的 spittle 唾沫 bubble 冒泡 “Frothy red spittle bubbled from his mouth.” 马房总管嘴里冒出红色泡沫 jumble 杂乱堆放 “but her stuff had all been jumbled around when the chest was dropped.” 可箱子掉落时东西全搅成一团。 gush 喷出 “ Blood had gushed from the boy’s mouth as he collapsed” 男孩倒地时口冒鲜xue chancy 有风险的 saucer 茶托 “Bran’s eyes had gotten as big as saucers” 布兰的眼睛睁得像茶托一样大 flour 面粉 “It was only Jon, covered with flour.” 那不过是身上洒满面粉的琼恩罢了。 >>阅读更多


    坚持读英文原版《A Game of Thrones》第130天,每天积累一些英文单词。#英语#学习打卡#权游迷 sparkle 发光 “so the ice seemed to sparkle and shine.” 冰层在阳光下闪闪发光。 altar 圣坛 censer (用于宗教仪式等的)香炉; incense 熏香;香(尤指宗教礼仪用的); “Septon Celladar was swinging a censer, filling the air with fragrant incense that reminded Jon of Lady Stark’s little sept in Winterfell.” 赛勒达修士手中摇晃着一个小香炉,溢得满室馨香,琼恩不禁想起史塔克夫人在临冬城的小圣堂。 resplendent 华丽的 “Lord Commander Mormont resplendent in a black wool doublet” 莫尔蒙司令一身华服,黑羊毛外衣 grudge 积怨 “put aside your grudges” 抛开旧时的仇恨 trample 践踏 “You wouldn’t see a herd of aurochs until they trampled you into the snow” 就算一群野牛迎面冲来,等它们把你踩进雪里,你也不会发现。 palm 手掌 “The fat boy wiped his sweaty palms against his tunic.” 胖小伙将满是汗水的手掌在衣服上抹了抹。 mop 用布擦掉(表面的)液体 scrap 小块 “mopping at his brow with a scrap of silk.” 忙掏出一块丝巾擦干额头。 pickled 腌渍的; “We are paying too dear for salt beef and pickled fish” 近来腌牛肉和咸鱼的价格高得惊人 groom 培养 “He wants to groom you for command!” 他想训练你作总司令接班人哪! defile 亵渎 “This is a sacred place, we will not defile it.” 这是神圣之地,我们不可亵渎。 intake 吸入 “Jon heard Samwell Tarly’s sharp intake of breath.” 琼恩听见山姆威尔·塔利猛抽一口冷气。 >>阅读更多