作者: Titian胡畅畅发布时间: 2024-01-01 03:38:54 浏览:0 次 发布地: 天气: 晴

        昨晚南京街唱公益组织演绎凤凰传奇《荷塘月色》。我对这首歌再熟悉不过了,因为自己曾经在北京做口译时,楼下的珠宝店整天循环播放一个歌单,里面就有这首经典! ​Last night, Nanjing Street Singing, a non-profit organization in Nanjing performed the Phoenix Legend's "Moonlight in Lotus Pond". I am very familiar with this song, because when I was doing interpretation in Beijing, the jewelry store downstairs played a playlist repeatedly all day long, and there was this classic song inside! #南京街唱##凤凰传奇##荷塘月色##南京##跨年##再见2023##再见2023你好2024##实现放气球跨年的愿望了##双语##英语#


