    #狐言乱语 Faith. Belief. In Romantic Ideas. It is possible. You need to believe. You need to give it chance. You need to give it time. You need to work though it. 这世界上 好的东西 没有一样 是可以轻易得来的. 可以的话 大家都有了. 也不会有人说 “如果结婚的能够是彼此喜欢 彼此爱的就好了” 也不会有所谓的 “将就” 也不存在所谓的完美 一个人 一对 couple 都没有 狐狸是觉得 如果两个人足够喜欢彼此 compatible 即使有分歧 愿意去理解彼此 沟通 update, collaborate, choose each other. Day by day. It will work. 那是狐狸想要的理想感情. It's not an easy find. Definitely not easy to keep / maintain. Perfect in some ways doesn't mean easy work. 嘛 是吼 how can I be biased to have equated these two together. Probably not intentionally. But. You know. Just biased. It's human nature. A bit blinded too. Who wouldn't be 😝 both of you are so too good to be true. True. True. --- 曾经以为要结婚的这对朋友 一直很幸福 每次见他们都好甜甜蜜蜜 让人羡慕 mmmm 但是哦 他们也有自己的磨合 有自己的争吵 有自己的分歧 需要 work through. Mmm 也是呢 人与人 始终很难完全相同. 有时候 我们出发点 相同 都是 可能或这或那的地方 用力 阴差阳错 不小心伤了彼此. 如果 不沟通 不 take a step back 不去解决的话 会“憋”出问题的 这样的关系 解铃还需系铃人 两个人一起打的结 也只有两个人一起 用心 同心协力 才能解开 任何一方不想的话 那都没辙 hh mmmm 确实呢 是两个人一起的结 要两个人才能解 天时 地利 人合 心相通 not an easy thing eh? #狐狸又开始写散文了 ps. Give it time. Space. Love. Care. 就像植物一样 it might sprout. It will grow into something. You never know. Just like. Nobody knows what's tomorrow like. I thought. No. I never thought anything like that would ever be possible. Just too surreal. But it exists. Doesn't it. Yeah. So. Don't think anything is impossible. You just need to look. If you are really determined to find them. You might get lucky. Don't ask the 5 Ws. #散文 whatever makes sense to you 都行 Does it make sense to me? 用不着你担心 hhh 😝 #果然还是那个调皮导弹喜欢卖弄玄虚的狐狸 #真相是什么 #就不告诉你 hh >>阅读更多

用户:🌸☁️ 菇凉👒
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