用户:The one(英语老师)

    托福104,雅思7.5,英语专八,10年一线英语教学,分享英语学习捷径#托福#雅思托福 #出国#出国留学 #英语#英语四六级 >>阅读更多

用户:The one(英语老师)

    和fowl-家禽同源的单词有哪些呢 fowl-家禽;飞禽 poultry-家禽 fly-飞 flyer-传单 flow-流动 例:Rivers flow into the sea float-漂流 例:The white cloud of smoke floated aways flow-流动 flee-逃走 例子:Refugees fled to a neighbouring country flood-洪水 flush-用水冲洗 vi 脸红 blush-脸红 例:He blushed at the compliment >>阅读更多

用户:The one(英语老师)

    drink-喝 drag-拖,拉 drench-湿透 例:We were drenched by the sudden rainstorm drown-溺水,淹没 例:Last night a boy was drowned in the river shrink-收缩;缩水;畏缩 例:The town's population shrank The sweater shrank when it was washed#水蓝色情人 >>阅读更多

用户:The one(英语老师)

    food-食物 Food-pasture是怎么互换的呢,f-p(father-papa),oo-a(元音互换),d-st(s-t-d互换) foster-收养,抚养 adj:收养的 例1:They are considering fostering a child 例2:LittleJack was placed with foster parents pasture-牧场 pasture-牧场 pasta-意大利面食;面团 paste-面团,膏;粘贴 toothpaste-牙膏 pastry-糕点,点心 >>阅读更多