用户:Jin Sakai

    更新一个自我介绍 性别男,97年,体重55kg左右,身高168。 原四川资阳人,目前在江苏苏州工作,成都理工本科毕业,学的是电子商务,但目前工作是机械行业,月薪1.1w+,入行刚一年多,还算是比较稳定,父母在成都,当然只要有更好的机会,我可以去任何地方。 目前父母成都有一套房,也可以再支持一大部分买另一套房,但因为诸多原因,暂未购买。车的话因为目前没有需求,也在外地,所以也没有,不过想买也完全可以买。 长相的话,自认为不好看,如果你想了解或者说单纯好奇,我可以发照片,但是就不贴出来公开处刑了 性格比较内向,人际关系几乎没有,目前还是母单,不抽烟,不喝酒,也不吃槟榔(主要周围有很多人吃,虽然不重要,也提一下吧)。 平时唯一爱好就是打游戏,学点英语,听点音乐,游戏主要是PC单机游戏,唯一玩的网游就是LOL,但是很久没玩过了,不玩手游。 当然,发自我介绍,一方面来说确实希望能够在这上面找到一个合适的人(虽然太难了),另一方面就聊天来说,有些人也希望知道对方是什么样的人,所以干脆就发一个。 篇幅有限,也不浪费你的时间,如果是关于合不合适,更多的东西还是要靠聊天来说明。 另外,如果你也喜欢优秀的PC独立游戏的人,那就太好了,虽然我不善言辞,但是和你聊聊这些还是非常有话说的,有对象太难,但是有个共同话题的网友,我想应该没这么难吧。 >>阅读更多

用户:Jin Sakai

     If one day you find that the morality, literacy, knowledge, and character you have cultivated since childhood are not worth a penny, they will only care about you face,your body, whether you are beautiful, and whether you are willing to born children. Of course. This is not the point, the important is that they didn't do anything wrong. On the contrary, they did it right because this is the basic law of this world. They obey it very well, and of course, you didn't do anything wrong too. Being overweight is not your fault, ugly is not your fault, and being poor is probably not your fault. You were just abandoned by the rules of this world and sentenced. Although I'm a staunch materialist, I really hope that there is God in this world, so that at least there will have a "people" should responsible for the suffering and injustice in this world. However, there is no such thing as God, we couldn't find anyone to resist, hate, or curse. We cannot find anyone or anything to take responsibility for. In this emptiness and helpness, only youself bear the pain that cannot be entrusted。 >>阅读更多

用户:Jin Sakai

    No soul to think No desire to indulge No hope to protect No suffering to remedy No felicity to remember No love No hate No separation and reunion You are void You are vessel you are carriers You are the will of God. You are the flag of people You are blade will never know defeat You are the lighthouse that guides the lost. You will break through the clouds over the sky You must sacrifice to exchange a brilliant dawn. 没有可以思考的灵魂 没有可以放纵的欲望 没有可以守护的希望 没有可以治愈的苦痛 没有可以铭记的幸福 没有爱 没有恨 没有悲欢离合 你是虚无 是躯壳 是载体 你是神的意志。 你是众生的旗帜。 你是战无不胜的利刃。 你是引导迷途之人的灯塔。 你必将划破这愁云笼罩的黑夜。 你必须牺牲以换来璀璨耀眼的黎明。 >>阅读更多