
    Change is neither good or bad, it's simply it is. It can be greeted with terror or joy. A tantrum that says ' I want it the way it was.' Or a dance that says 'Look. It's something new.'#DailyQuote >>阅读更多


    You're born alone and you die alone and this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts. But I never forget. I'm living like there's no tomorrow, because there isn't one. #DailyQuote >>阅读更多


    Happiness is the smell of a new car. It’s freedom from fear. It’s a billboard on the side of the road that screams with reassurance that whatever you’re doing, it’s okay. You are okay.#DailyQuote >>阅读更多


    You only live twice. #DailyQuote >>阅读更多


    There's no fresh start, lives just carry on.#DailyQuote >>阅读更多