用户: 缘分让你我擦肩!!!!

    We all feel like forever is so far off in the distance.When perhaps it is so brief that we miss it in the blink of an eye.So...give a hug to the person next to you.---我们都以为永远会很远,其实它可能短暂的连我们都看不见。现在...拥抱你身边的人吧。 ​​​#I am so happy #To be happy #I want to you #enjoy the life #are u doing >>阅读更多

用户: 缘分让你我擦肩!!!!

    It is better to look at the sky than live there. 天空更适合仰望,而不是居住。 ​​​#I am so happy #To be happy #I want to you #enjoy the life #are u doing >>阅读更多

用户: 缘分让你我擦肩!!!!

    Things won are done; joy is soul lies in the doing --得到即是完结,快乐的精髓在于过程。#I am so happy #To be happy #I want to you #enjoy the life #are u doing >>阅读更多

用户: 缘分让你我擦肩!!!!

    I am so happy I get to be next to you and look at the world through your eyes.---我很庆幸能陪在你身边 通过你的目光看世界。” ​​#I am so happy #To be happy #I want to you #enjoy the life >>阅读更多

用户: 缘分让你我擦肩!!!!

    Few of us can do great things, but all of us can do small things with great love.---我们当中极少数人能做伟大的事情,但是每个人都可以用崇高的爱去做平凡的事。 ​​​ >>阅读更多

用户: 缘分让你我擦肩!!!!

    有生之年,只诉温暖不言殇 花味渐浓,茶味渐醇 倾心相遇,安暖相陪 茶语寄生活 杯中沉淀的便是那抹时光的味道🍵 >>阅读更多