
    #解忧奇妙铺 #解忧测试题 #行走的解忧杂货店 #soul解忧杂货店 #测测你的二次元Mate >>阅读更多


    #Life can only endure these 4 hardships to truly reach the upper echelons: Firstly, be diligent in #thinking and being good at things suffering from mental exhaustion. Secondly, patient and restraint suffering from self discipline. Thirdly, reading and learning suffering from loneliness. Fourth, endure humiliation suffering from dignity. Many friends can endure physical hardships but can’t bear the mental pain. Suffering with predetermined results is not considered hardships. Firmly believing in hope of tomorrow and striving for it. That’s true high level of suffering. >>阅读更多


    #投票 梁博的歌也不错诶,#梁博 #你听过这首歌吗 #你最喜欢的一首歌 #留下你最喜欢的一首歌 三首歌你喜欢哪一首? >>阅读更多