
    过两天回贵州找工作了,贵阳六盘水都投了简历,希望有医院要我,我不想规培结业后就失业[捂脸哭]#找工作 #贵阳 #六盘水 >>阅读更多


    No one likes and loves me,I am just a man nobody wants[捂脸哭] >>阅读更多


    I only want forget her but i can not. she is in my heart all the time. her face always appear in my mind when I close my eyes every time. I know she still love me and i am in her heart. perhaps we need some days to make us calm. after I wish she can come back to me. I am so happy when I am with her. though she has left me ,I still wish her happy every day >>阅读更多