
    这时候了还有蚊子,咬的我右手食指痒痒的,可能是要叫我起床。 看了一下雅思口语的考官教学视频,有三个要点,P1要回答简单直接,主打一个流利。P2描述题,要主打一个想法丰满,词汇原汁原味。P3讨论题,要主打有理有据,结构完整。 人们之所以会拖延目标,是因为想象力不够发达,没能把重要目标具象化,这样就不能提供足够的动力来持续行动。例如学外语这件事,好多人动力不足。我自己学俄语也有时候就学个app规定的最低时常,就溜了。但是,当我想到将来可以说着流利俄语去俄罗斯去旅游,找个漂亮女朋友的时候,我就可以立马又多学10分钟。这一点蚊子很厉害,它们宁愿抱着被拍死的危险,也要吸满一肚子血,来完成扩散基因的目标。 妈的,还送了我两个红包,谢谢啊#随笔 #雅思口语 #备考雅思 >>阅读更多


    The Origin of Speciescontains almost no mention of the human species. The threats the bookposed — to the biblical account of our creation, to the comforting belief that we are more than mere animals — were clear enough; Charles Darwin had nothing to gain by amplifying them.Near the end of the final chapter he simply suggested that, through the study of evolution, " lightwill be thrown on the origin of man and his history. " #英文阅读 #英语 #读英语 >>阅读更多