
    What you take from chapter two,six,or ten carries into the next chapter.What you take from relationship one carries into relationship five.What you take from job three carries into job five.And when we realize that,starting over becomes less daunting.Sure,it's still difficult.Getting back into dating,moving cities,starting a new job,doing a new workout...Yes,that's tough. Why are we afraid to start over when every time we have,we've come back stronger,smarter,and more attractive? But once you say,"It's OK to start over,"it's a lot easier to actually do it.It becomes so much easier to take that first step because you see it as moving you closer to what you deserve rather than further away from it.That's what happens when you remind yourself of what you're bringing with you rather than what you're leaving behind. It's the next step.It's the next chapter.It's you taking everything you have with you from the last step,the last chapter,and bringing it with you.And when that's the case,there's no zero.There's no shame.There's none of that. Starting over is just the next step. That's Bold of You by Case Kenny#读给自己 >>阅读更多


    #我就不告诉你中文是什么哈哈哈 #我就不告诉你中文是什么Life is better with Someone who Drings you clarAy,no+confusion. Life is better with Someone who falks abov+the future because they Want you in it. Life is better with Someone you Can escape To,not Someone you need an eycape FRon. Life is better with Someone who finds you ire sisi blt athractive,both phy sically and intellectually. Life is better wth Someone who i5n'afraido expfes)how much they (are abautyau. Life is better with Someone who wants to hear your point of uiew,even if they dont agree. Life is better with Someone who Can have matura raiJing their Voice. Life is better w.h someone who Makes youfeel like your hoHtest Smartest,and most unbothered self. What you take from chapter two,six,or ten carries into the next chapter.What you take from relationship one carries into relationship five.What you take from job three carries into job five.And when we realize that,starting over becomes less daunting.Sure,it's still difficult.Getting back into dating,moving cities,starting a new job,doing a new workout...Yes,that's tough. Why are we afraid to start over when every time we have,we've come back stronger,smarter,and more attractive? But once you say,"It's OK to start over,"it's a lot easier to actually do it.It becomes so much easier to take that first step because you see it as moving you closer to what you deserve rather than further away from it.That's what happens when you remind yourself of what you're bringing with you rather than what you're leaving behind. It's the next step.It's the next chapter.It's you taking everything you have with you from the last step,the last chapter,and bringing it with you.And when that's the case,there's no zero.There's no shame.There's none of that. Starting over is just the next step. That's Bold of You by Case Kenny >>阅读更多