作者: 阿喀琉斯之踵发布时间: 2023-12-24 17:39:06 浏览:7 次 发布地: 天气: 晴

        There are lots of reasons why late 20s/early 30s would make sense as a time to start a lifelong partnership with someone: people are old enough to understand if they really get along with someone or are just blinded by hormones. They’ve already made significant life choices and taken on some responsibilities. And they may be just financially solvent enough to be able to contemplate supporting someone should the need arise.

萨曼莎: 这也就是我觉得成年之后喜欢某人,特别是离婚之后,还敢去喜欢对方,愿意选择,真的很勇敢
作者: 过来人[笑倒地]
萨曼莎: 但并不是每个人在坑里出来之后会反省

