作者: 科莫多狐狸发布时间: 2023-07-16 17:00:57 浏览:58 次 发布地: 西安市 天气: 晴

        写个置顶吧 Here stands before you, a picture that belies comprehension. I am a single father born in the 80s, carrying my heritage from the beautiful Jiangsu, presently adorning the ancient city of Xi'an. Amidst these commonalities, shines my badge of honor, a master's degree from a prestigious 985 university. Although I seemingly pass my days in a research institute, let me assure you, I have also savored the vibrant experiences of the outside world. I confess I'm a devotee of the "Lying Flat" philosophy, yet my annual income tips over 250,000. I bet your eyebrows just twitched! Now, brace yourself as I reveal my beloved collection of 3 'dilapidated' houses and a 'beat-up' car. Startling, right? But for me, these treasured acquisitions are an integral part of my humble yet contented existence. Appearances can be deceiving, for behind this stern countenance is an artisan with multiple skills. My culinary prowess can make the grains of rice gasp in awe, my expertise in massage could induce in you a celestial trance, and my knowledge of wine can offer you a new perspective of the world. Moreover, my devotion to coffee knows no bounds, so much so that I have donned the hat of a personal shopper, savoring every sip while helping others discover their favorites. So, never judge a book by its cover. I am far from serious! I am the man who brings a touch of humor and intrigue into the ordinary, ever ready to share some life hacks. Looking forward to crossing paths in this beautiful journey called life, to share moments of joy and wonder.#来自置顶的感悟 #西安 #

很远: 写的真好。
查拉斯维加斯的猹(努力猫狗双全: 真棒,现在逛广场都看不懂了[你开心就好][你开心就好]
Souler: 就写一篇英文介绍,屏蔽掉很多人[笑倒地]😌优秀[吃瓜]

