    This is the account where I practice my English here. I will share something about myself here, or pictures I take on my journey. All what I wanna do is trying to pick my survival English. Now I feel like everything goes well and can not wait to see what is gonna happen. #练英语#练习英语 #状态 >>阅读更多

    Eighteenth Day -素材来自Youtube 怎样才算清醒的活着 -You know what they say? 你知道有一种说法吗? -Never go grocery shopping When you are hungry.You grab the wrong things. 不要在饥饿时逛百货商场,你会买错东西。 - And the same is in life. 生活同样是这个道理。 -Never go into a relationship When you feel lonely.You might grab the wrong things. 不要在孤独寂寞时谈恋爱,你可能会选错人。 - Think about it. Because When you are desperate You grab anything you want,not What you need. 想想吧,因为当你感到绝望时,你会拼命抓住任何东西,而不是自己真正需要的东西。#致自己致生活 #练英语 >>阅读更多

    Forteenth Day 你看,教育是一种变革,它实实在在地改变着生活。 这就是为什么人们如此努力地接受教育。 这也是为什么教育一直是人类和他们梦想的关键--一种消除种族、阶级和文化的任意划分,释放每个人潜能的力量。 You see,education is transformative.It literally changes lives.That is why people work so hard to become educated.And that is why education has always been the key to human beings and their dreams— a force that erases arbitrary divisions of race and class and culture,and unlocks every person’s potential.#练英语 >>阅读更多

    Nineteenth Day打卡 注意Five words英式发音:Hello there/powerful/totally/seriously/beautiful garden 合成一个对话 "Hello there," she said, stepping into the beautiful garden,"Isn't it seriously powerful how naturecan totally transform a place?" "Absolutely," he replied, gazing around the beautiful garden,"It's truly incredible how nature cantotally change the atmosphere here."#致自己致生活 #练英语 >>阅读更多

    分享下午的思考🤔单纯不想记单词了:( 巨魔(句模)系统思维[奸笑] 长句子记单词,代替短句,短句用来补充说明 一个话题➕12个句子解决一个话题 延伸也可以合并拼接解决不同话题 形成一个语料库,类似雅思口语库,很有效解决 1.不敢说(缺乏词伙)2.不知道说(缺乏逻辑观点) 一定要刻意练习(培养英文思维模式) 💜语言不只是工具,也是一种思维模式 学习英语的目的 在于获取信息和知识的能力,不是单纯学英语 其他语言一个道理#致自己致生活 #练英语 >>阅读更多

    Twentieth Day 张不太开嘴口腔溃疡:( 稿子:Not enough rain In other countries, the problem is not too much rain but not  enough. There isn't as much rain as before, and there are  long droughts. Fires start easily because trees are very  dry. The fires quickly get bigger and more dangerous. We can see these changes now. Australia  has a drought nearly every year.#致自己致生活 #练英语 >>阅读更多

    Seventeenth Day 今日话题:Love Real love isn’t just about feelings,it’s about understanding,respect and being there for each other.it’s about accepting each other completely,flaws and all,and being supportive no matter what.it’s not about controlling each other,but about empowering and encouraging growth.True love is built on trust,honesty,and evolving together.it’s a deep connection that stands strong through life’s ups and downs,enriching each other’s lives in countless ways.#致自己致生活 #练英语 >>阅读更多

    今日话题:友谊 Friendship 句模一:Enjoying alone time matters, but not everyone can avoid socializing completely. For instance, during competitions, I work alone and fear loneliness. Yet, friends make time pass quickly and ease pressure. Friendship outweighs solitude for me. (Though I often act alone, I know everything has trade-offs. )It's crucial to balance friendship. True friendship shines in tough times.#练英语 >>阅读更多

    #练英语 春闺二首 其二 崔道融 〔唐代〕 欲剪宜春字,春寒入剪刀。 辽阳在何处,莫望寄征袍。 A CLOAK OF SPRING I try to cut for him a cloak of spring; My scissors breathe the cold still lingering. Far colder is the far-off garrison town. How can he not expect a warrior's gown! >>阅读更多

    #练英语 敢将十指夸针巧,不把双眉斗画长。 苦恨年年压金线,为他人作嫁衣裳。 I dare boast my fingers' needlework without peer, But I won't vie with maidens painting eyebrows long. I regret to stitch golden thread from year to year, But to make wedding gowns which to others belong. >>阅读更多

    #练英语 赠人 李群玉 〔唐代〕 曾留宋玉旧衣裳,惹得巫山梦里香。 云雨无情难管领,任他别嫁楚襄王。 TO A DESERTED LOVER Your literary fame was once loved best; Your muse then came in dreams to lovebirds' nest. We cannot rule o'er fickle cloud or shower. So let it water any thirsting flower! >>阅读更多