    我婶县城人民医院护士,工龄40+,退休金5K; 我村邻居在村小当教师,工龄30+,退休金8K; 我村各位农民长辈,年龄65+,养老金200。#孤独终老你会给自己准备什么? >>阅读更多

    还是很喜欢这首纯音乐,弹得不怎么好,见笑了。[尬][尬][尬]#钢琴 #孤独终老你会给自己准备什么? #遗憾和错过哪个更难过. >>阅读更多

    #孤独终老你会给自己准备什么? >>阅读更多

    我最近肯定是昏头了 身份证拿成市民卡 从来没有的过错 顶着众人同情的眼光 硬生生被拦在考场外 亏我起那么早 教务人员说赶紧让家里人送 可我的家人都在医院啊 哎 乌龙教训又添一笔 #把这里当一个树洞 #乌龙事件 #孤独终老你会给自己准备什么? #给自己一个坚持的理由 #没有共同话题 #是什么让你难过,感情还是生活 >>阅读更多

    没有人是不婚主义 我们都是幸福主义。 ​​​#孤独终老你会给自己准备什么? #回 #静静地看,一个人的风景 #结婚的意义 >>阅读更多

    As the hours laughed themselves away,the old man retired into a quite corner of the house,and sat down on a chair to win a little sleep. In the morning,when the feast was over,the tired revellers came to wake him.They found that during the night,quietly and without ado,he had passed away from a little sleep to an endless one.All respecting reform‘s man followed him to the grave.#孤独终老你会给自己准备什么? #安利一句你最喜欢的话 >>阅读更多

    since he has realized ,in the future, that he will have a big family to support and some cousins for whom to secure positions, he cannot remain a school teacher if he is in the teaching profession, but must think of ways and means to rise higher, perhaps become a dean, and in that way become a good member of his family. That process of trying to rise higher teaches him some memorable lessons of life and human nature, and if he escapes all that experience and remains a round-eyed, innocent, hot-headed young man at thirty, still enthusiastic for progress and reform, he is either an inspired idiot or a confounded genius.#安利一句你最喜欢的话 #孤独终老你会给自己准备什么? >>阅读更多

    每天都会把自己捯饬得干干净净,穿上或得体或修身或舒适的服饰。走出家门,对邻居友好而和善的打着招呼,漫步在阳光、微雨、落叶、雪花都不曾改变其容颜的街道。嗅着忽隐忽现的花香,听着乱而不杂的吆喝声,细细的感受着自然与生命中的美好。 每一天,都当做最后一天来活着。既然孤独终老,那么就让孤独来陪伴我走下去吧,这样也不会孤单了,不是吗?#孤独终老你会给自己准备什么? >>阅读更多

    #孤独终老你会给自己准备什么? >>阅读更多

    其实根本就没有想通和想开,有的只是无可奈何,无能为力和顺其自然罢了,但人总要往看前看,不是吗?#安利一句你最喜欢的话 #孤独终老你会给自己准备什么? >>阅读更多

    回頭一看 細節全是答案 #此刻,你最想听到的话是什么? #孤独终老你会给自己准备什么? >>阅读更多

    People are often blind to familiar things, not by the eyes, but by the impression.#安利一句你最喜欢的话 #孤独终老你会给自己准备什么? >>阅读更多

    As a teacher to my friends sometimes in my free time, I have met more and more people of the ‘60s, 70s,who were friends, classmates and comrades of my friends, all of them were good drinkers, and they were talkative after drinking, both men and women. I have heard also more about their stories, experiences and anecdotes in their younger days. There was a retired middle school English teacher in his late sixties, they called Mr. Lee, happily and seriously recalled more stories of their senior high school days in front of his friends, yes, serious as a teacher was his character, happy was his manner with his friends. A wave of nostalgia swept over them. As a younger generation, I hope that they will live happily and healthily.#孤独终老你会给自己准备什么? #安利一句你最喜欢的话 >>阅读更多

    Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. ... Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.#安利一句你最喜欢的话 #孤独终老你会给自己准备什么? >>阅读更多

    These indispensable coins of the modern days thought are minted in our mind,I think,and probably time has preserved of each better part.#安利一句你最喜欢的话 #孤独终老你会给自己准备什么? >>阅读更多