作者: Salmon Sushi发布时间: 2020-08-17 13:44:11 浏览:4 次 发布地: 益阳市 天气: 晴

        《布达佩斯大饭店》第十一部分 文章部分 “If you’re not merely being polite, and you must tell me if that’s the case, but if it genuinely does interest you, may I invite you to dine with me tonight, and it will be my pleasure and, indeed, my privilege to tell you. My story. Such as it is.” “Two ducks roasted with olives. Rabbit, salad? “ em” “Pouilly-Jouvet ’ 52, plus a split of the brut. That should provide us ample time”#英文朗读 #布达佩斯大饭店 #文章

Souler: 连音 读的不行。需要努力
作者: 有些发音也不行 我知道的 谢谢指正hhhh

