作者: 清岚夜雨发布时间: 2019-10-22 21:53:12 浏览:80 次 发布地: 天气: 阴

        🎹《Total Result》🎶 ——《Devil May Cry 4》 即兴钢琴 “Nero:Kyrie,if i'm a demon,and not a human anymore...is this what you want? Kyrie:Nero,you're you,and it's you i want to be with.I don't know anyone who is as human as you are. Nero:And if i become a demon,so be it.I will endure the exile.Anything to protect you.” “Nero:Let her go!Kyrie!”#思念 #钢琴 #血落霜寒 #即兴钢琴 #Devil May Cry #《Total Result》 #柴田徹也

未知: 好听的
作者: 谢谢
小花: 失恋了

