作者: Mr.Ethereal发布时间: 2024-03-16 09:12:07 浏览:29 次 发布地: 天气: 晴

        I'm here to remind you how POWERFUL you are! We all have those kinds of days when we feel frustrated and overwhelmed by life, but that's completely OKAY! On those days, you need to focus on healing and recharging yourself, so it just takes a day and not the whole week. Do something that you enjoy, feel and process all those emotions, and finish the day in calm. This way, you can start the next day with a clear mind and feeling better. #SoulReal文学 #SoulRealWriting #文学#发疯文学 #关于写作 #英语写作 #SSR计划

ᦗ日月ེۖ卿ཽེ卿✌︎ᵒᵐᵍᵎ: 咱们不能说说国语的文案吗,才疏学浅看不懂啊
作者: 是我考虑不周,以后尽量附带译文[比心]
ᦗ日月ེۖ卿ཽེ卿✌︎ᵒᵐᵍᵎ: 对呀

