作者: 喵小爷发布时间: 2022-05-18 09:01:14 浏览:9 次 发布地: 长沙市 天气: 晴

        长难句解析 Tens of thousands of military personnell have been deployed2 in the Sri Lankan capital Colombo3 as the government struggles to contain protests against the spiraling cost of living4. 解:主语1+谓语2+状语3+状语从句4 析:本句为主从复合句,主句为“Tens of thousands of military personnel……capital Colombo”,其后接“as”引导的状语从句“as the government struggles...cost of living”。主句的主语为“ Tens of thousands of military personne!”,谓语为“have been deployed”;从句的主语为“the government”,谓语为"struggles”。#BBC #英式英语 #我们一起学英语


