作者: James Uncle发布时间: 2022-02-13 21:03:36 浏览:6 次 发布地: 天气: 晴

        How do you know what is your truth? You feel it in your heart, that is called your intuition. It never lies. It always knows the right path to choose. Just make sure you get still, quiet and listen. You can’t hear your intuition when it is clouded by noise. When life is loud and the noise is deafening. Take a moment, be alone and be still, you will hear the answers, you’ll hear the truth . Some may say it is selfish to do only what is best for you, you will soon learn that is not true.#诗 #美文 #鼓励 #声控星人 #SSR计划

作者: 怎样知道生活的真谛之所在呢? 用心去感知它,你的直觉从不撒谎。 他最清楚适合你的道路,你只要安静下来,静静的听,当你被生活的噪音遮蔽时,你听不到直觉的呼唤。 此时你要花点时间,独自一人静下来,相信你会听懂内心的答案和生活的真谛。 有人会说,只做利己的事情太自私了。但很快你就会发觉,事实并非如此。因为对你来说最好的东西,往往也是最利他的。 尤其是对那些不知所措的人。不要试图去取悦别人,否则你最终也不会取悦任何人。
xulei: 呵

