作者: Jeremy发布时间: 2024-04-18 11:48:19 浏览:4 次 发布地: 石家庄市 天气: 晴

        since he has realized ,in the future, that he will have a big family to support and some cousins for whom to secure positions, he cannot remain a school teacher if he is in the teaching profession, but must think of ways and means to rise higher, perhaps become a dean, and in that way become a good member of his family. That process of trying to rise higher teaches him some memorable lessons of life and human nature, and if he escapes all that experience and remains a round-eyed, innocent, hot-headed young man at thirty, still enthusiastic for progress and reform, he is either an inspired idiot or a confounded genius.#安利一句你最喜欢的话 #孤独终老你会给自己准备什么?

哈哈: 祝你早日成为校长
作者: [地铁老人看手机]

