作者: 有趣的灵魂🇨🇳🇬🇧发布时间: 2018-03-15 07:32:30 浏览:63 次 发布地: 天气: 晴

        I was a poet who draw you under a lovely light I kept those poetries for you quietly in mind I demanded that road guiding me to your heart Those dreams and loves, I missed forever You said the love has been stored in Loch Ness Time flights, I am still looking for your promise Thames water never takes away the sad & love Please give me back my heart, the soul of love 化作诗化作笔化作灯写着你 默念着轻叹着那些深沉的字句 化作路化作径化作情找寻你 爱一次梦一场思念最遥遥无期 你问西湖水偷走她的几分美 时光一去不再信誓旦旦留给谁 你问长江水淘尽心酸的滋味 剩半颗恋人心唤不   #UK #摄影 #诗 #翻译 #收拾好灵魂去旅行

Souler: ❤
🌈呜噜噜噜: 向往 _(:3 」∠)_
没什么好签的: 好好看

