作者: 琳达听书发布时间: 2024-04-28 08:34:03 浏览:11 次 发布地: 九江市 天气: 晴

        Stop living in the eyes of others In life, many people are unhappy because they care too much about the reactions of the people around them A colleague's inadvertent look will make the mood lost for a long time; a friend's casual sentence will be silently torn for half a day. Too much attention to other peoples opinions and evaluations, the consequences are often wronged in sensitivity and ingratiation You have to understand that life is ultimately a process of pleasing yourself. 99%of the things that happen to you have nothing to do with others. What you really need to care about is not the eyes of those around you,but your inner feelings. Learn to let goof your attention and expectation of others and leave time and love to yourself! #朗读 #我们一起学英语 #今日份配音


