作者: 痴学社发布时间: 2024-03-22 19:08:01 浏览:5 次 发布地: 天气: 晴

        《了不起的盖茨比》:1-25 🍒阅读笔记 creep up on sb 某人不知不觉中体验到某种情感状态 first thing you know=before we knew it=before we realized=the next thing you know 不知不觉地 first thing you know……=first thing you know we were having a heart to heart conservation 不知不觉地我们就开始交心式地交流起来(省略还原) be engaged to sb 与某人订婚了 libel=defamation=aspersion=denigration=smear =slander 诽谤 corroborate=confirm=sustain=verify 证实,支撑 insist=assert=claim=profess=maintain 坚持认为 I knew what they were referring to 宾语从句 refer to=allude to=speak of=mention 提及,指 not even… 甚至连……也不 the fact that gossip had published the banns 同位语 gossip=scandal=tattle=idle talk 八卦,流言蜚语 banns 结婚公告 publish=announce=declare=advertise 宣布/公布 vaguely=dimly=obscurely 模糊地 stop going with an old friend 停止与老朋友交往 on account of=for the sake of=because of 因为 intention=purpose=design=idea=wish 意愿 on the other hand 另一方面,相反 remotely rich 富裕到让人感觉有很大的距离感 nevertheless=however=nonetheless 然而 bloom with light 灯火辉煌 #经典文学 #了不起的盖茨比 #英语名著 #Soul瞬间收藏录 #我的阅读笔记


