作者: Prof. Unemploy发布时间: 2022-07-10 09:31:15 浏览:24 次 发布地: 天气: 晴

        Update Under different circumstances, I am willing to use a mask to play the devil. Maybe you see me in a way you don't like. That is because you are shortsighted and can't see the other masks under the mask, let alone the inner core of the brain and thoughts. Fucking stupid idiots! INTJ不喜歡智力不夠的,且說話直接、重點,嚴謹,喜歡坦誠,和有建樹的東西,品味一直在線,不要隨便提建議,你想得到的东西我也想得到,可以提但不建議。地球上雞毛蒜皮的事我不想管。脾氣臭,但是一般情况不樹敵,聊得開心,可以給你看看千層面下面其他的層,如果你想嘗一口不一樣的風味。上下文有間接聯繫,不是翻譯。 有問題至少看一眼瞬間吧;回關直說;實在看不懂字就別關注我。 Sincerely yours, Prof. Z

酷不下去了: 很可爱

