作者: ‮‮‮🥂 ‮‭㋅ 萍子发布时间: 2024-02-07 16:13:26 浏览:7 次 发布地: 天气: 晴

        今天我们来学习一段英文吧 Along the way, maybe your luggage is full of ups anddowns, and you have also learned to be silent, get usedto loneliness, and know how to heal yourself. I havetasted the ruthlessness of society,the pressure of reality,the unbearable love, and the sinister human heart.Later, you finally understood that no matter how bigtheeaves of others are, it is not asgood as having anumbrella of your own. I hope you will be yourself in thefuture,always positive,always tearful, alwaysopenminded, and most importantly, always happy. 这段英文可以翻译为: 一路走来,也许你的行囊里装满了酸甜苦辣,也学会了沉默,习惯了孤独,懂得了自愈。尝尽了社会的无情,现实的压力,爱情的不堪,人心的险恶。后来你终于明白,别人的屋檐再大,都不如自己有把伞,希望你以后做自己,永远积极向上,永远热泪盈眶永远坦坦荡荡,最重要的是永远快乐呀。 #学习英文 #英文学习 #学习打卡 #学英文


