作者: 不需要对象,玩游戏就行发布时间: 2024-03-15 21:33:06 浏览:0 次 发布地: 天气: 晴

        女:你为什么要一个人去面对那些痛苦呢? Why did you have to face all the pain alone? 明明可以我们两个人一起承担,你为什么要自私地决定我们两个人的未来? We could have shared it together, why did you selfishly decide our future? 你凭什么自以为是地决定我们两个人的幸福? Who are you to presumptuously decide our happiness? 你有没有问过我,我到底需要什么? Did you ask me, what I needed? 男:可是我需要你幸福。 But I need you to be happy. 女:可是没有你,我怎么幸福?我想要的,就只有你。 But how can I be happy without you? You are the only one I want. 我想知道那个人对你好不好。如果没我好,你该怎么办?如果比我好,那我又该怎么办? I wanted to know if he was treating you well. If he did not treat you better than I did, what would you do? If he treated you better than me, what would I do? 除非黄土埋骨,让我守你百岁无忧。 If not for death and illness, I will be with you for 100 years. 得成比目何辞死,只羡温言不羡仙。 If only I can be with you, I will confront the death fearlessly and quit the best opportunity without hesitation. #十年一品温如言 #Ten years of loving you#前方高甜请注意


