    #城市好去处 #重启人生之后你想做什么 #恋爱中那些信任感 #你最怀念什么时光? #北京征婚 本人94,29岁,身高166,体重130,大专,自考本科,河南安阳人人在丰台,医疗医学检验工作,找男士,本科及以上学历,工作稳定,性格好,身高170到182不要太胖,最好北方人,河南的更好,在北京或者天津有房或者郑州有房的,不养宠物,有意者发个人资料,一年内结婚,最好是程序员,或者医疗方面的男士不喜欢纹身的,抽烟的喝酒的,也麻烦说一下自己的找女朋友的硬性要求,如果符合,互发照片节约一下双方时间,颜控的勿扰,年龄在91到97之间#才 >>阅读更多

    I close my eyes and I see you I feel my heart beating for you You take my breath away Whenever you hold me close I realized, I can't go back My everything started to change When you appeared in my darkness Looking at the silvery light It was always you And I'm drawn to you, my moon I hold your hands so tight, I see you I promise I'll never leave it I finally found my answer I won't hesitate no more I'm drawn to you, my moon I will take ten more steps towards you When you move back There's no reason is needed for me Even though it's too far It doesn't matter where you are My thoughts always go back to you Because it's you I'm telling you I love Every moment spent with you There's no reason is needed for me Even though it's too far It doesn't matter where you are My thoughts always go back to you Because it's you #我会再朝你身边走十步 #Full moon 🌕 #长笛 #k[可怜巴巴] >>阅读更多

    不为往事优 只愿余生笑 不急不躁 不争不抢 该来的会来 格局打开 你会发现很多事根本不配影响你的情绪#短逃离图鉴 >>阅读更多

    阿彩,我真的好喜欢你 我对你的爱意从不遮掩 无论网络还是现实 别人问我你最喜欢谁 我每次都是毫不遮掩的说:蔡徐坤 阿彩,如果你过得开心幸福,杳无音讯也没关系 #K >>阅读更多

    好冻咩[笑倒地][笑倒地]系包厢唱K就唔冻噶啦[狗子][狗子][狗子]今天要靓唔要命!哈哈哈😆#K#K歌之王 #好冻#好鬼冻 #露腿#露腿的季节 >>阅读更多