    生日加班的快乐[我不听右][眼镜脸][呵呵呵]#acca #生日快乐 >>阅读更多

    找一起备考cpa和acca的朋友,打算这次多冲几门课,大家相互打打气[在干嘛]阳光点就再好不过啦#CPA备考 #acca #连麦学习 #找学习搭子 >>阅读更多

    大陸第一的獎金拿到啦 嘿嘿#acca >>阅读更多

    要考试了,焦虑复习不进去[无语][无语][无语]#acca >>阅读更多

    I did not pass the test of CFA level I,but have build a system to think about financial decision. It’s a map help me to understand the the process of financial decisions making. It’s not easy for me keep learning 5 hours of almost each days for last year . But, I did not give up. Maybe CFA is the target,but not this year. #ACCA also play important roles for my career,and will get reward when pass the each part.most importantly spend less,get more. Pass the part one and two get the Bachelor degree and pass the four part get Master degree. Management accounting is about help companies control budget and reduce costs,abut reach the target of the boss.like the corporate finance of CFA,more focus on the forecast the future base on the financial reporting. It will take two years to complete the test, and there years to get the membership,become one of the best. Let’s make it happen,now or never. Not harry make the resignation,prepare and practice when it’s ready.💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 #acca #CFA #Financial >>阅读更多

    有没有备考acca的小伙伴,能不能互相监督学习 我真的学不进去#acca #ACCA备考 >>阅读更多

    有厦理工的童鞋吗?想问问你们学校的acca考点在哪考呀?哪栋楼?#acca >>阅读更多

    哈哈哈,分享昨天的 “那家院子” #广州市 #cpa #中级会计职称 #cpa #CPA备考 #CFA #acca #初级会计考试 #税务师 >>阅读更多