    金宇澄《繁花》签名本,盖印批注本#无锡 #金宇澄 #繁花 #《繁花》里的人生镜头 >>阅读更多

用户:夏天 不怕热
    抱歉😂一个souler点的歌 一遍过不小心笑场了 《哇嘎里共》#点歌 #笑场 #鼓励 #音乐弹唱 >>阅读更多

用户:James Uncle
    You must do me this honor....promise me you will survive...that you will nerver give up……no matter what happens.no matter how hopeless...promise me now,and never let go of that promise. 我还有一个心愿,你必须答应,要活下去不能绝望,无论发生什么,无论多么艰难,答应我一定做到。#孤单心事 #美文 #鼓励 #声控星人 #SSR计划 >>阅读更多

用户:James Uncle
    If you don’t feel happy, Always remember, That somebody else is happy, Just because you exist.如果你感到不快乐,请记住,总有一个人会因为你的存在而感到快乐。#情诗 #鼓励 #声控星人 #SSR计划 >>阅读更多

用户:James Uncle
    How do you know what is your truth? You feel it in your heart, that is called your intuition. It never lies. It always knows the right path to choose. Just make sure you get still, quiet and listen. You can’t hear your intuition when it is clouded by noise. When life is loud and the noise is deafening. Take a moment, be alone and be still, you will hear the answers, you’ll hear the truth . Some may say it is selfish to do only what is best for you, you will soon learn that is not true.#诗 #美文 #鼓励 #声控星人 #SSR计划 >>阅读更多

    爆改看招!不愧是中华娘,我穿都好看!#中华娘 #人生是一场爆改 #我要上热Soul >>阅读更多