     A man does not live until he begins to discipline himself. he merely exists .like an animal. The gratifies his desires and pursues his inclinations just where they may Lead him He's happy as a beast is happy because he's not conscious of what his depriving himself. He suffers as the beast suffers because he does not know the way out of surffering. >>阅读更多

    唯一二刷的电影 虽然这次没流泪 但是依然被真挚感染 被少年时的天真美好所感动 我们长大以后 或许会有房有车有钱 但是有可以信任的朋友 有热爱的工作 有值得追求的美好 是不是更。。。一点 心底干净纯正或许不那么容易 被拥有的所累 考虑越来越多 让我们失去了 做决定的最原始的缘由 看起来好像都过得那么好 但是你究竟开不开心 喝醉之后 深夜独自漫步 午夜梦回 只有你自己知道 你最想要的 到底你有没有得到 此时他或她在没在你怀里 人生到底怎样才算值得? >>阅读更多

    又可以回OW坑队友去了。#网易暴雪复合 #守望先锋 #门头沟 >>阅读更多