     "You've got to hand it to him, mate. He's a real piece of work, like a diamond in the rough. It's sort of like watching a phoenix rise from the ashes, ain't it? No matter how many times life knocks him down, he always bounces back stronger than ever. 你得承认,老兄,他真是一块好料,就像一颗未经雕琢的钻石。这有点像看到凤凰从灰烬中重生,不是吗?无论生活如何不断地将他击倒,他总是会更加坚强地反弹回来。#英语#学霸#声控#努力#加油#学习#英式 >>阅读更多

     In the frozen North, the battle for the Iron Throne persists. Loyalty clashes with betrayal, courage with cowardice. In this unforgiving realm, only the fearless, untouched by storms or politics, will claim victory in the game of thrones. 在北方的冰雪之地,对铁王座的争夺仍在持续。忠诚与背叛、勇气与懦弱交织在一起。在这残酷的世界中,唯有不畏风雪、不受政治阴谋影响的无畏者,才能在权力游戏中获得胜利。 #阿哈#ssr计划 #神仙老师 #英语 #学霸#英式#美剧#努力#声控哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈嗝 >>阅读更多

     "You've got to check out this little café down the road called The Daily Grind. They serve the best scones in town, fresh out of the oven. And their tea? Absolutely spot on. It's the perfect spot to catch up with mates or just chill with a good book. Plus, the atmosphere is so cozy, you'll never want to leave. Trust me, it's a real gem hidden away in our neck of the woods."#英语#声控#英式#学霸#老师 >>阅读更多

    #英式#英式橄榄球 再次喜提膝盖受伤一根筋直接连到屁股….又因为tackle把肩膀也撞的不太舒服….这下怎么搞你说🫠🫠🫠 >>阅读更多

    只要能🐔娃,就有🐔不完的娃[捂脸哭][捂脸哭][捂脸哭][捂脸哭][捂脸哭][捂脸哭][捂脸哭][捂脸哭] 我们相信,坚持得越久就会越坚强,因此就会越成功。[阴险][阴险][阴险][阴险][阴险][阴险][阴险][阴险]#阿哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈嗝 #上海 #神仙老师 #声控#英式 >>阅读更多

    喜欢英式马术的理由可能就是马的智慧和忠诚,以及男士绅士风范的彰显,虽然过去是英国皇家贵族运动,但英式马术这种优雅、冷静与包容已经传遍全世界!#英式马术#英式 >>阅读更多

    - “Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold.” ― Zelda Fitzgerald 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 没人能估量出一个人的心能装多少~即使是诗人也不行~ >>阅读更多

    #英式 #微醺之旅 结束休假 . 准备接下来的又一次休假 [笑哭][笑哭] >>阅读更多