
    语文老师, 对外汉语教师。 可以随意切换不同语言的思维, 会经常穿梭在不同语言的Mood中。 很爱惜自己的羽毛和能量,不随便聊天,见谅! 谢谢欢喜,Having Fun[么么哒] >>阅读更多


    Beautiful World,Where are you. by Sally Rooney. ​ ​Sally Rooney's book pushes her devotion to ordinariness to its logical extreme. She favours bland adjectives, such as 'little', 'clear' and 'thin'. When Alice and Felix visit Rome, which may well contain the most impressive collection of objets d'art in the world, the reader is told peremptorily that “Felix spent the morning wandering around the city looking at things. Much of the book is given over to long, discursive email exchanges between Alice and Eileen, in which they observe that market capitalism is at odds with traditional conservatism, that plastic tat is ugly, and that the fall of the Soviet Union was momentous. But a religious instinct seems also to loom behind her restrained prose, her aversion to vividness, her tendency to blur feelings and perceptions with qualifiers, 'vaguely' is one of her favourite words, and a marked new reluctance to enter her characters' minds. The mix of asceticism and mysticism suggests an author who thinks the real action is happening in another realm. Intellectually as well as stylistically, the tone is flat.....[狗子] 阅读字数: 约35万字 阅读时间: 约25小时 难度指数: 6级可读 推荐指数: 3.5/5 #芸娘的阅读笔记 #英语 #阅读 >>阅读更多


    参差荇菜,左右流之。 窈窕淑女,寤寐求之, 求之不得,寤寐思服, 悠哉悠哉,辗转反侧。 >>阅读更多


    到了最后,我之于你,一如鸢尾花之于春天。。。 --席慕蓉 >>阅读更多