
    视频拍摄不易,喜欢就点赞,不喜欢呢请你划走,感谢大家的支持与厚爱,最近心情有点不好,还请多多包涵。#十天颜色摄影挑战 #旅游vlog #生活碎片 #一段文字,一段心情 #黄河之水天上来 #SoulReal摄影 #无人机拍摄 #兰州 >>阅读更多


    I like Chongqing very much and look forward to meeting you next time。#十天颜色摄影挑战 #重庆 #旅游拍照 #旅游vlog #景色真的很美 #兰州 >>阅读更多


    武汉市黄鹤楼公园,位于湖北省武汉市武昌区蛇山西山坡特1号,地处蛇山西半段,总占地面积403000平方米,分为东区、南区、西区、北区。黄鹤楼始建于三国吴黄武二年(223年),因唐代诗人崔颢题下《黄鹤楼》一诗而闻名于世。黄鹤楼与江西南昌滕王阁、湖南岳阳楼并称为“江南三大名楼”。#历史 #建筑设计 #十天颜色摄影挑战 #建筑 #旅游 #武汉 #黄鹤楼 >>阅读更多


    As soon as night falls, all the lights are on. The travelers in the station, the diners in the night market, all began to wake up. At this moment, you may as well step out of the house, you will find that the night scene of Lanzhou will bring you another visual surprise. Her warm tones gaze at you like a mother's soft eyes. Unload the fatigue of the day, wandering on both sides of the Yellow River, this magnificent beauty, an instant for your soul to come to a baptism, will let your restless heart calm down.#夜景 #兰州 #旅游vlog #生活 #拍照 #视频 #无人机 #十天颜色摄影挑战 #建筑设计 >>阅读更多


    不是十川的梨花不好,而是安宁仁寿山的太美啦[微笑][呲牙笑]#十天颜色摄影挑战 #兰州 #花 #摄影日志 #心情 >>阅读更多


    兰州新区影视城,免费打卡地。#历史 #建筑设计 #十天颜色摄影挑战 #摄影 #拍照是个技术活儿 #旅游vlog #甘肃 #兰州 >>阅读更多


    Lanzhou City, referred to as "LAN" or "Gao", known as Jincheng in ancient times, is a prefecture-level city and provincial capital of Gansu Province. Located in Northwest China and central Gansu Province, Lanzhou City is an important industrial base and comprehensive transportation hub approved by The State Council in northwest China, one of the important central cities in western China, and an important node city on the Silk Road Economic Belt. By 2023, the city has jurisdiction over 5 districts and 3 counties, with a total area of 13,100 square kilometers and a permanent population of 4,425,100 at the end of the year.#历史 #建筑设计 #十天颜色摄影挑战 #夜景 #兰州 #甘肃 #旅游随拍 #摄影 >>阅读更多