作者: Mate发布时间: 2022-06-30 01:27:34 浏览:9 次 发布地: 襄阳市 天气: 晴

        💌【一封有声情书】 🪐《Dear Dolores》 “When I think of you,I'm reminded of the beautiful plains of Iowa. The distance between us is breaking my spirit….Falling in love with you was the easiest thing I have ever done.Nothing matters to me but you.And everyday I am alive, I'm aware of this.I loved you the day I met you, I love you today...And I will love you to rest of my life.” 亲爱的德洛丽丝当我想你时我想起了爱荷华州美丽的平原我们之间相隔的距离使我意志消沉…在我活着的每一天我都会深深地感觉到遇见你的那天我就已爱上你我今天爱你余生也会继续爱你。#为你读诗 #声控星人 #绿皮书 #SSR发光体 #李老师读物

May: 好好听啊!
作者: 感谢欣赏啦!
有钱了把香菜都薅了: 这个口语 我救命太爱了

