作者: dowdow发布时间: 2022-10-25 19:34:24 浏览:22 次 发布地: 天气: 晴

        写的太潦草了还得再补一遍 现社理论14课:二十世纪,尼采,弗洛伊德,韦伯 Nietzsche, Freud & Weber Major departure from Marx(& Adam Smith)'economic reduction.(the emphasis on economic interest) 1,the problem in modernity is not so much in the economic system, it's much more in terms of power, domination and consciousness. 2, the problem of modernity is repression. 3, the problem of modern life is that we internalize the reasons for our subjugation(我们内化了那些自我压抑的理由),as such we have to figure out how to liberate ourselves from this subjugation. Central question: 1,Why do we obey orders? 2, Why do actually accept that we are subjugated? Central problem for N,F,W is in us, INTERNALLY, is how to solve the problem within ourselves. #课堂笔记 #尼采 #哲学 #社科

我只是路人!: 你违反啥规定了?
作者: 我不知道!我就问28号能不解封!
我只是路人!: 你问谁了??

